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Home Court Advantage – Making a Difference for Better or for Worse

The philosophy of Home Court Advantage, Inc. is to assist the child in gaining control over his or her life and to transition to the least restrictive environment – hopefully his or her own home. We will do this by creating a treatment milieu high on staffing, structured time and low on physical constraints (e.g. locks) and unsupervised free time. As the name of our treatment program implies, we emphasize the concept of home.  Each child at Home Court Advantage receives a minimum of 1 individual therapy, 1 group therapy, 1 coping skills class, and family therapy (when appropriate) each week. 

Philosophy of Treatment of Home Court Advantage

The Troubled Teen Industry in Missouri

While we’re all familiar with the issues surrounding Agape Boarding School in Stockton, these types of treatment centers can be found all throughout the state.

Home Court Advantage is located at 3376 S Springfield, Ave in Bolivar Missouri. They claim to be “a small organization designed and operated by a professional team of licensed psychologists and people experienced in helping boys make positive choices for their future…” They aim to replicate a home environment and seem to operate six homes.

The first home specializes in treating residents with Autism Spectrum Disorder, including residents who are non-verbal. Homes two and three houses boys ages 8-21 that receive treatment for behaviors that are sexual, aggressive, and self-harming.

The fourth home is a female house that works with girls who have ASD and have lower cognitive functioning, including residents who are non-verbal. The fifth home specializes in working with girls who exhibit aggressive and self-harming behaviors.

The sixth home focuses on developing independent life skills.

Company History

Home Court Advantage, Inc was established in May of 2000. The Board of Directors was made up of Robert McCrimmon, Mark Glover, Lea Ann McCrimmon, and Donna Glover, all of Brighton, MO. By 2003, Mark Glover left the organization and Donna Aldridge was listed as Secretary. In 2004, the Glovers returned to the Board, but were no longer members by 2005.

After 2005, the Board seems to have stayed the same with only Robert McCrimmon and Lea Ann McCrimmon listed.

The McCrimmons are also listed on two other Missouri businesses, The Mane Ranch, LLC and M & P Management, LLC. It seems that the homes operated by Home Court are owned by M & P Management.

According to a 2017 article, Home Court houses 64.

Allegations of Abuse

In 2017, Viavia Manuma was charged with child abuse and first-degree assault stemming from an incident caught on camera at Home Court Advantage. Manuma can be seen in the video hitting an underage student after a confrontation where Manuma grabbed the student from behind and pushed him into a bathtub.

Manuma, a former athlete for Southwest Baptist University, was finally charged with 3rd Degree Assault and Failure of a Mandated Reporter to Report Child Abuse. He plead guilt and received a suspended sentence and community service. Henry Espenesa, another SBU student, also plead guilty to the same charges arising from this situation and was also given a suspended sentence.

Home Court Advantage has also been named in a number of civil cases in Missouri. Two early suits in 2017 and 2020 were dismissed. In 2021, Home Court settled in a Polk County civil case for an unknown amount. A suit filed only one day later voluntarily dismissed their case shortly after the settlement in the other case was reached.

Rober McCrimmon also has previously had an Order of Protection placed against him in a case of Adult Abuse without Stalking in 2014.

Closure of Home Court Advantage, House I

In 2021, Home Court Advantage House I voluntarily closed. Despite this, Home Court I is still listed on their Methods of Treatment page.


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