Candelaria Ax-Call was last seen in Sedalia, MO on May 15th, 2020. She was 16 years old at the time and wearing a black shirt, green pants, and black tennis shoes. Candelaria does not speak English.
Candelaria is only 4′ 02″ tall and weighed 120lbs at the time. She has brown hair and brown eyes.
Candelaria is from Guatemala and was reported missing by her father on June 8th, 2020, but he had not seen her since May 15th, 2020. Candelaria’s father says that Candelaria contacted her mother via phone on May 21st, 2020, but the conversation was very short. Her father does not know where she could be and she did not have a phone at the time that she went missing. The two previously lived in New Jersey before moving to Missouri but it is unknown if Candelaria would return to New Jersey.
If you have any information regarding Candelaria Ax-Caal’s whereabouts, please contact the Sedalia Police Department at 660-826-8100

Additional Sources
Online Sources |
Missouri State Highway Patrol Missing Persons Clearing House – Missing Persons Poster |
NamUs – Missing Person #MP70608 |
Media Sources |