Iain Ewing is 30 years old, 6’2″ tall and 150 pounds. He was last seen on the afternoon of April 17th, 2022 at Stick it in Your Ear in the area of Walnut St. and S. Robberson Ave in Downtown Springfield, Missouri. Iain has dirty blonde hair & beard, blue eyes, and a septum piercing.
Iain has previously lived in Aurora, Missouri.
According to Missouri State Highway Patrol, Iain Ewing has been missing since April 15th.
If you have any information, please contact the Springfield Police at (417) 864-1810.
How Can You Help?
Please share information about Iain, even if you are not from the Springfield area. You can financially support Iain’s father in searching for him by donating to his gofundme. This gofundme campaign helps with travel, accommodation, food, gas, and other hidden expenses that help families search for missing loved ones.
Iain has been added to NamUs and you can see even more photos and detailed information on the NamUs profile.
Sightings & Rumors
This information is unverified but may provide context to this situation. According to a Reddit account identifying themselves as Iain’s brother, Iain may have been seen with a girl at Subway on Easter, April 17th 2022, located at the corner of W Sunshine St and W Kansas Expy.